Our Sunday Services are:
Said Eucharist 8 am
(If Rev. Rachel is away, we will have a Morning Worship service instead)
Parish Eucharist
or All Age/Family Service - once a month 10.30 am
On a 5th Sunday, the 10.30 service is non-Eucharistic.
This main service is livestreamed to our YouTube page.
Second Sundays in the Month - Church at 4 4 pm
The Family Service dates are at the foot of the page.
More information about Church at 4 and All Age/Family Services can be found on the Children and Families page.
We produce a weekly booklet for all principal services, to allow the service to be followed easily by all and to encourage the use of a variety of liturgy and music. This can be emailed to you each week. Please contact us if you would like to be added to the email list.
If you are visiting, or are new to this church, please introduce yourself to Revd Rachel, the wardens or one of the welcome team.
Services during the Week
Morning Prayer Tuesday to Friday at 9 am in the Vicarage
Evening Prayer Tuesday to Friday at 5 pm in the Vicarage
Coming together to give praise to God for the week past, to be open to allowing God to shape us for the week ahead, and receiving the gifts of bread and wine go to the very heart of what it means to focus on living in relationship both with God and with one another.
2024 dates at 10.30am
January 7th - Epiphany
February 4th Candlemas
March 10th Mothering Sunday
March 29th - Good Friday
May 5th
June 2nd
July 7th - St Thomas followed by BBQ
August 4th
September 1st
October 6th - Harvest Festival
November 3rd - All Saints