Church of England morning, evening and night prayers
These links will take you to the full written liturgy for the day with psalms and readings. While public worship is suspended, morning and evening prayer are being live streamed. See home page.
We use a cycle of prayer each week. The topics for prayer are mentioned on the back of the weekly notice sheet and may be used by the person writing the intercessions used in our services.
The notice sheet also includes details of those who have asked for our prayers. If you would like yourself or some-one you know added to the list of those for whom we pray, please speak to Revd Rachel Wilson, the Office or Pauline Hardwick.
Prayer Board
At the back of church, outside the old Baptistery, there is a prayer board. You can put on here details of people for whom you would like us to pray. The requests left there will be prayed for during Morning and Evening Prayer across the week
Prayers for Healing
We have a small team of prayer ministers who offer prayer for healing and wholeness in the side Lady Chapel once a month, usually on the fourth Sunday while people come up to the main altar for communion.
Monthly Prayer Diary
A monthly prayer diary with daily topics for prayer is available at the back of church. We pray for different members of the congregation each day.
Prayer Stations
From time to time, we set up prayer stations using creative ways to help us to pray.
A prayer station from The Lord's Prayer trail in May 2017.
These websites include other ideas for personal and private devotion:
Northumbria Community Liturgies
These are short Celtic liturgies, with brief readings.
Sacred Space
Daily prayer from the Irish Jesuits. These tend to be quite short and suggest a lot of quiet reflection.
Oremus Bible Browser
Using this link you can find the New Revised Standard Version (Anglicised Edition) which is the translation we use in church.
You can look up a particular passage, or search on a word or phrase.
Green Christian Prayer Guide
For those who are concerned about environmental issues, this website suggests issues to pray about each day.