Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


The Bible is full of stories. It tells the story of Jesus and his life. It tells the story of what Jesus did and said and what he did for all of us - and for you.

We sometimes use the word “Gospel” to describe the stories in the Bible, particularly the stories in the New Testament. The word “Gospel” means “Good News”. Jesus said to his disciples that they should go and share the Good News of him and his life ,with other people so that they would know the Good News too - and share it with their friends.

Think about the last time you had some Good News to share - what was it? How did you feel? I wonder who you wanted to tell? What did you say? Click on the picture of the speech bubble - this will open a picture you can print and write down what you said when you shared your Good News.


Do you have any Good News about Jesus that you want to share?

What makes you special (for our younger members)

Jesus thinks you are really special!  When he described himself,  he used lots of sentences beginning with the words “I am...”.  Think about what makes you special and write them on the picture of the person you’ll get if you click here.  You can draw a picture of yourself too and bring it into church.  Here is a picture frame you can print for your picture.


Retelling Parables

Jesus told lots of stories that  those listening to him could relate to.  Stories like The Good Samaritan (Luke Chapter 10 verses 25 to 37). Can you re-write this parable or another one, using modern images that we would recognise today?  The video below might give you some ideas…


Talking to God – even when we’re sad.

We don’t always feel like we have good news to share, but God wants us to talk to him, even when we are worried, angry or sad.  The Psalms in the Bible give us good examples of this like Psalm 142.  Most Psalms that express disappointment with God (otherwise known as Lament Psalms) follow the same pattern:

Address (or “say hello to”) God

 Make your complaint/tell him why you are upset or angry

 Say something about your relationship with God

 Ask him for help

 Thank or praise him

Using these steps you might like to write your own lament psalm.  Clicking here  will take you to a page with this pattern for you to complete (you can print it off or we will have copies of the sheet in church).

A Prayer

Dear God

Help me to share the Good News of your love.

Help me to learn the stories that you told so that I can share them with others

Help me to know that you think I am Good News too.

Help me to grow to become the person you have made me to be

Help me to use my voice to speak up for truth and justice


This page was prepared by Revd Rachel
